The College year which begins in April and terminates in March comprises of four units for the primary Section: Classes LKG to V Std.
For Senior section three Examinations:- April-August, September- November, December-March. The course of college studies extends from LKG up to class XII Std. It is designed to prepare students for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (a ten year course) and for the Indian School Certificate ( +2 course). Both are conducted by the Council for the ISC Examinations, New Delhi.
The ICSE examination has been designed to provide an examination in a course of general education, in accordance with recommendation of the Kothari Commission, through the medium of English. Dates and application for admission with subjects will be given on 1st June every year for other school as per the availability of seats.
By the end of VIII Std, candidates of ICSE examination are required to offer compulsorily the following subject:-
(i) English (Language and Literature).(ii) Hindi (Language and Literature).
(iii) Mathematics.
(iv) Indian History, Civics & Geography.
(v) Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology).
(vi) Computer Science.
(vii) SUPW ( Socially useful and productive work).
Pass Certificates are awarded by the council to candidates of ICSE who attain the pass standard in at least six subjects which must include the subject ENGLISH and SUPW.
The medium of instruction is English. Hindi is taught in all classes and Sanskrit is taught from Class V-VIII Std.