Message by Bishop Of Jhansi

I am very happy to know that the magazine "CROWN" is getting more and more popular in Jhansi. This is a way by which we want to be in touch with the parents for the better relationship. This is a good venture to relate with the parents of the students and keep them informed about the goal and purpose of the Education and which includes extra-curricular activities for the students. Most Important thing in life is to teach the students to make decisions in life and to be self reliant so as to enable them to live their own life and to contribute their lion share to the society. Thus the goal of education is to discover the deeper meaning of life of transcendence, to learn to interact with others, love creation, to think freely and critically, find fulfillment in work, plan their future or in one word to learn "to be". It is in and through education that one can hope for more human and humane future and a more harmonious society.
Thus focus of education is to form the young to evolve as men and women of character, conscience, competence, compassion and commitment.
1. The Person of Character : This transformative process concentrates on inculcating in the students co-operation, tolerance, nobility, humanism, efficiency, integrity and self discipline. Thus the process of education helps them to develop their personality to bring in the needed change in themselves, in the society and in its structures.
2. The Person of Conscience : The formation of Conscience to distinguish and discern between good and bad, right and wrong is necessary for a welfare of the individual and society. This formation of conscience is influenced by the totality of the person's surrounding.
3. The Person of Competence : The person of competence is capable of creating understanding and using the knowledge and skills to live in his/her own context and transforms it. The person is enabled to be a part of the changing and diverse world creating a life project for other and with others and able to develop the intellectual, academic , emotional and social skills required for professional and human achievement.
4. The Person of Compassion : Compassion does not imply simply feeling sorry for someone or a group of people. Anyone can feel sympathetic, but do nothing. Compassion is a prerequisite to positive action; it recognizes human dignity, a person's worth that stems simply and profoundly from being loved by God. Compassion, leading to solidarity that compels the students to become agents of change, in order to go on fulfilling God's dream for the world.
5. The Person of Commitment : A person of commitment is one of courageous action. Through one's openness to the guidance of the Spirit and companionship with Jesus, he or she will be able to discern the urgent needs of the time, so that his/her ways of serving the society will be rich and deep commitment to create a new society based on Justice, Peace, love and harmony.
So our responsibility lies in making special efforts to enable students:-
To think for themselves independently and critically
To seek, extend and apply knowledge to the solution of human problems.
To continually strive after excellence in every field.
To become mature, spiritually aware men and women of character.
To value and judiciously use their freedom, combining with it a full sense of responsibility for actions.
To be clear and firm on principles and courageous in action.
To be clear and firm on principles and courageous in action.
To be unselfish in the service of their fellowmen and concerned for the welfare of the poor and socially oppressed.
To become agents of needed social change in their own situations.
Peter Parapullil
Bishop of Jhansi

My dear brothers and sisters Wish you all a very happy Easter. Easter is the most important Feast that all the Christians all over the world celebrates as the culmination of the mysteries of Passion Death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In other words these are known as paschal mysteries. In our country we believe in the “rebirth”. The Christian belief of the resurrection is different to “rebirth”. The foundation of the resurrection is the Word of Jesus Himself “ I am the resurrection and life; he who believes in me though he die, yet shall live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die” (Jn11:25 & 26). No man in the world has claimed that he is the resurrection and Life when he is living. Jesus is the beginning and end, Alpha and Omega. He is God Himself to give life to all men. He cannot die so He put this claim while He was living in this world. So resurrection in Jesus was first of its kind. It was a transformed body of Jesus who ate with them and walked with them and taught them that all that happened was according to the law and the prophets.
The Faith of the Church is grounded and founded on the resurrection of Jesus. “Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I will not believe” (Jn 20:25). St. Thomas the Apostle of India has touched him, seen him and put his finger on the side of Jesus and he witnesses the resurrection of Jesus for all of us. Jesus tells Tomas “You have believed because you have seen me, Blessed are those who have not seen me and yet believe”.
The Lord is risen indeed!!! He is risen from the dead!!! He is living!!! Why do we look for Him who is living among the dead ? This is the new message of the Good news. Let us find the living God among the living beings!!! He is always alive. He gives life to all of us. He is the source of the living water that we are thirsting for. “We were buried therefore with him by Baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father we too might walk in the newness of life”(Rom 6:4). Let us announce this message of resurrection that God is still alive and active. He will have Mercy and forgiveness for the humanity. He is enshrined in the heart of every living being to guide and direct us to the fullness of Truth.
Once again I wish you all a very happy Easter. May the RISEN JESUS bless you and your family with happiness and His MercyYours in Christ
Peter parapullil
Bishop of Jhansi

Message of Easter is that of the Easter Egg. Easter Egg is famous and is available in all the bakeries to purchase. Inside every Egg some life is there. It comes out as a lovely Chick beautiful to look at. The beauty is that the Chick inside the egg starts pecking the shell and breaks the shell and comes out to the world!!!
What a great wonder !!! Tomb is godforsaken place !! But the Tomb of Jesus is different , Why ?
It was guarded by the Roman soldiers ? While Jesus was alive he had predicted that he will rise again on the third Day !!!. None could believe. Neither His own disciples and Apostles. They never could understand what is resurrection. They were simple fisher men.
Victory over Death was decided by God Himself. Man invited death by his sin in the world. He needed to be saved and should have the inheritance of his creator that is heaven. For this Jesus was sent to redeem the whole world by conquering death and death is no more. Death is only a passage for the believer to eternal life. Man is destined for eternal life and he will have this only through Jesus the faith in Jesus alone saves him to inherit the eternal life.
Eternal life is life with God. I wish you a happy Easter to be participators of this new heaven and new earth. There is death in this. There is only Hope of resurrection. Alleluia- The LORD is RISEN Indeed!!! Let us transform our lives and desire for the eternal things and not the things of this world which are perishable.
Yours in Christ
Peter parapullil
Bishop of Jhansi

“Jesus Christ who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God, as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in the human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death- even death on a cross. (Phil.2:6-7) Humility and Obedience are the two landmark of the life of Jesus. Jesus was born in the manger, King Herod hunted for the child, became a refugee in Egypt, lived a hidden life for thirty years, unjustly condemned to death, suffered passion on the way to Calvary and at last died a shameful death on the cross not having a place lay down his own head!!! If this was the life of Son of God to whom all authority under heaven and earth is given. Then what about each one of us who is entering into the new year 2015. In Mathew 5:5 it is written in the sermon on the mount: “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth”. This is the message for everyone who is a pilgrim to inherit the earth. A message of meekness and humility to all enter into the new year 2015. There is the proverb “ water flows downwards to the valleys and not to the mountains”. Humility is the queen of all virtues. Greatest vice is pride and we have the saying Pride goes before a fall. The message for the new year is to practice the virtue of humility and meekness. “One who humbles himself will be exalted”. The Great emperor Alexander the Great who wanted to conquer the whole world at last at his death bed asked his general “Please put my both hands to the both sides of the coffin”. Let all the world know that the great emperor is not taking anything with him after his death.
In this modern era when each individual is filled with pride and cruelty to one another, the message of humility and meekness has great value. Let us ring out the pride within us. Egoism and self sufficiency from us and ring in the newness of humility and teamwork and international co-operation and solidarity and fraternity to ring in the new 2015.
Pope Francis reminds us in his homily to the seminarians and novices- Rome -7th July 2013 “People today needs words, but most of all they need us to bear witness to the mercy and tenderness of Lord Jesus Christ which warms the heart, rekindles hope and attracts people towards the good. What a joy it is to bring God’s consolation to others!! Let all the world receive this great message of peace, happiness and joy. Let us ring out the strife, enmity and terror. Let us ring in the new hope of human fraternity and collaboration. 2015 will give new hope to all suffering people, a new vigour and courage to face the challenges of life and to establish peace and harmony among people of all sections of life.
Peter ParapullilBishop of Jhansi

Jhansi town is throbbing with the pilgrims. All the hotel accommodations are full. Shrine has several Masses and blessings all through the day because of the Feast of St. Jude. Bishop Pius D'Souza the Bishop of Ajmer was given grant reception today in the evening in the presence of five thousand people in front of the Shrine of St. Jude with the cultural programmes by the institutions of the Diocese. He will be celebrating the episcopal Festal Mass at 9.00 in the morning. There will be blessings by the priests all through the day over the sick and needy. Nine days of Novena is over by today's celebration and tomorrow is the feast day. Devotees from different parts will come to Jhansi to pray for their needs and receive graces and blessings from the Lord. Four Bishops and more than one hundred priests will con-celebrate on the feast Day Mass in the Shrine of St. Jude. You are desperate? You think that your case is impossible? Then you have no other way but to resort to St. Jude for a remedy for your present situation. You too are welcome. You may send your petitions to St. Jude.
Very Happy Feast to you and to your near and dear ones.
I continue to pray for you and remember you in my daily Mass.