
College Activities

  1. Extempore
  2. Essay
  3. Short story
  1. General Knowledge
  2. Elocution ( Eng. & Hindi)
  3. Debate (Eng. & Hindi)

  1. Football
  2. Basket Ball
  3. Cricket
  4. Badminton
  5. Table Tennis
  1. Chess
  2. Carrom
  3. Weightlifting
  4. Gymnastics

  1. Prayer Services
  2. Dramas
  3. Fancy Dress
  1. Excursions
  2. Educational Tours- After Exam. ( Winter & Summer Vacation)

The principles of honesty, truth, co-operation, self- reliance and hard work are inculcated through these various activities while a high level of individual performance is encouraged and the spirit of team work is strongly insisted upon. The clean competition on the playground tends to develop sportsmanship, gentlemanliness and a healthy spirit of competition.

To stimulate interest in these activities a large number of individual and team prizes are awarded.